REV 08/18/2024


COR is a member of USA Swimming and a is non-for-profit organization. COR relies on coaches and dozens of volunteers to help our team run efficiently and effectively at swim meets, fundraisers, and operations. Volunteer support from our families not only helps keep our monthly fees low, but it helps us execute the highest quality swim meets and provides support to all of our families.

Our goal is to have our families contribute to the ongoing success that has been the COR team for more than 60 years. This success is only possible through volunteering and participating throughout the season.

The Service hour policy

  • Each family’s commitments is determined by the group the swimmer begins the season with (September- August). 




No Requirement


10 hours


10 hours


10 hours


20 hours


20 hours


20 hours

Senior 2

20 hours

Senior Gold

20 hours

  • Any swimmer in the Jumbo group who moves up to Minnows in October will have a 10-hour Service requirement
  • If a family has multiple swimmers, the highest Service requirement will be required for the year.
  • Every COR family will be responsible for volunteering at least 2 sessions at COR Classic. Failure to volunteer at this event will result in a $300 fine to be assessed on January 1 following the event.
  • Hours can be achieved through volunteering at COR Classic/ /COR meets/other USA Swimming and COR attended events.
  • If a family is unable to complete any of the Service requirements, there will be a fee assessed on August 1, in lieu of the Service requirement. Fees for not completing this requirement are outlined below.

Viewing Service hour balance

To view your Service hour balance, go to My Account>$ My Invoice/Payment and then select the Service Hours tab. A history of credited hours is shown as well as the balance if you scroll to the right.

How to Earn Service Hours

  • Serve on the COR Officers Board or Volunteer to be a COR Chair person. 

These roles are opened in October and voted on by the Board at the end of the year.  These positions will earn their entire 30 Service hours at the end of the next calendar year if completed in full.  Preference is given to those who have completed all of their Service hours prior to the voting process.

  • Donating to our Hospitality Fund Raisers. 

COR caters the hospitality meals for meets for the coaches and meet officials.  When appropriate, there will be a job sign-up sheet for the budget needed to buy supplies for the meet.  Each account will be limited to 1 hour donation per meet. Each account is responsible for determining their own eligibility, as no refunds will be given.  Any donation above the 1-hour limit will be considered a donation and earn no hours. It is at the sole discretion of the Meet Director to allow for financial donations.

  • Be a COR Official
  • Volunteer at COR Meets

Service hour policy FAQ's

Prorated Service hours

Service hours are prorated for new families to COR based on the month they join the team.

Prorated hours for swimmers in the following groups (Minnows, Piranha’s, and Stingrays)

  • Families joining in September through November have a 10-hour per year commitment.
  • Families joining in December and February have a 8-hour commitment.
  • Families joining in March and April have a 4-hour commitment.
  • Families joining after May have no Service hour commitment Service. 

Prorated hours for swimmers in the following groups (Sharks, Dolphins, Senior 1, Senior 2, Senior Gold)

  • Families joining in September through November have a 20-hour per year commitment.
  • Families joining in December and February have a 15-hour commitment.
  • Families joining in March and April have a 10-hour commitment.
  • Families joining in May have a 6-hour commitment.
  • Families joining in June and July have no Service hour commitment.  

Service Hours Fee Schedule

  • If you are unable to complete your Service hour commitment per year (September 1- August 1), you will be fined $350, regardless of the missing hours.
  • If you choose to not complete your Service requirements, you will be charged $800 on August 1.
  • Failure to volunteer at this meet will request in a $300 fine to be assessed on January 1 following the event.

Leave of Absence

  • If you are only active for a portion of the calendar year due to medical leave or other reason, your hour commitment will be based on when you joined the team. If you leave the team and come back during the same calendar year, any remaining hours due when you left the team will still be owed when you return; your hours will not be prorated based on your rejoin date. Additionally, if you leave in one year but still owe hours but come back less than six months later in a new year, your account will be assessed the $350 fee. Upon resignation from the COR team, you will be responsible for all fees associated with the Service requirements.

COR Classic

  • The COR Classic Invitational has been a staple to the North Texas swimming community for more than 41 years. This annual meet hosts hundreds of swimmers, dozens of officials, and thousands of spectators. Dozens of volunteers are required for every session to make this meet successful for the swimmers. For the last 41 years, apart from the 2022-23 season, COR has required families to volunteer. Each family is only required to volunteer for two (2) sessions over the 4 (four) day meet (there are more than 8 (eight) sessions available). Failure to volunteer at this meet will request in a $300 fine to be assessed on January 1 following the event.

Important Service hour guidelines

  • Hours are based on a full fiscal year, September 1 through August 1. Hours will reset on August 2 each year.
  • Service hours can be earned at any COR event or USA Swimming event that COR is participating in.
  • COR Classic is a REQUIRED event, and each family is required to volunteer at least two (2) sessions.
  • If a swimmer moves “up” throughout the season, the required hours will not change, with the exception of Jumbos moving up in October.
  • If you begin in Jumbo Shrimp, there will not be a Service requirement, with the exception of being moved up in October.
  • One (1) hour per $20 donation to hospitality can be earned per meet- 3 hours max per meet. It is the sole discretion of the Meet Director to allow for financial donations.
  • It is the family's responsibility to ensure hours are up to date.
  • Hours are per family account, not per swimmer. If you have more than one swimmer, the Service hours required will depend on the highest group in the family. For example, if a family has a swimmer in both Minnows and Senior 1, the families Service requirement is 20 hours.
  • Hours can be earned by all family members who meet the minimum age requirement (13) for the Service. For example, parents, siblings, grandparents can time at any meet and earn hours.
  • The Meet Director cannot guarantee volunteer Service hours for a family member under the age of 13.
  • You cannot donate your hours to another family or work for another family.
  • Hours earned can only go toward your Service hour commitment for the current calendar year. They do not carry over to the next year.
  • Officers, Chairpersons, Team Parents, and COR Officials automatically get full-Service hour credit for the year IF they complete their job as expected. 
  • If you are late (more than 10 minutes passed the shift start time) to work your position at the meet, the Meet Director reserves the right to replace you in order to start the meet on time. An attempt will be made to allow you to serve in some capacity, but late arrivals do not guarantee a position to work at the meet.
  • In order to receive Service credit for NON-COR hosted meets, you must take a picture of the physical (paper copy) signup with the host club. We are not able to accept screenshots from online signups. Meet, hours volunteered, and picture of the signup must be emailed to [email protected] within 5 business days of completion of the meet.
  • If you work at a USA Swimming, non-COR meet, you must follow the guidelines listed at the end of this document to earn the hours. Documentation must be submitted within 5 calendar days of the completion of the meet.
  • For detailed information on how to sign up for volunteer opportunities and check Service hours balance, please see the step-by-step guide.

No Show Penalty

COR wants all families to have the opportunity to fulfill their Service hours.  This can be hindered by those who sign up for multiple volunteer spots, then do not show up to work the event.  If you are registered to work a volunteer position for Service hours, you are expected to fulfill that spot.  COR employs a 2-strike system.  If two positions are left vacant by a volunteer, even if these positions are at the same time, same meet, or two separate meets in the calendar year, that family will no longer be allowed to sign up for more than one position per MEET.

We understand emergencies occur.  Valid emergencies will not be penalized with a strike.  If you are unable to work a position, and to possibly avoid a strike, you must email the Volunteer Coordinator, at least one hour BEFORE the starting time of your volunteer position, so that an alternate volunteer may be found. COR reserves the right to penalize anyone who vacates their position for frequent emergencies.  Emailing the Volunteer Coordinator does not guarantee a penalty will not be imposed. 

Additional Opportunities

Non-COR Hosted Events (USA Swimming Sanctioned Events)

  • If you work a non-COR hosted event, email the Volunteer Coordinator ([email protected]).
  • Credit will only be awarded for non-high school, North Texas LSC USA Swimming events.  
  • Email the following information within five (5) business days:
    • the name on your account
    • the person who worked the position
    • the position worked
    • the actual hours worked
    • a photo of the sign in sheet with your name listed, a picture of your badge, timers’ sheet, or any other photo proof of position is required
  • Information must be submitted via email NO LATER than five (5) business days after the completion of the meet.
  • COR reserves the right to verify your hours with the hosting meet organizer.  
  • Any dishonesty in reporting of hours will result in the reversal of the hours reported, and a limitation on the account to only work COR sponsored events.


Please email [email protected] with any additional questions.